Get ready to take control of your health, naturally.



I'm Dr. Aminder Singh, and I am a naturopathic doctor! I am passionate about helping people cultivate wellness throughout all life stages. I hope to encourage everyone to become informed and knowledgeable about their health so they can achieve the healthiest versions of themselves. Together we will create a signature plan that is targeted and individualized to get you closer to achieving your goals, naturally.

Take control of your own health now!


Offered Services

In addition to diet and lifestyle modifications, natural therapies that may be utilized include: Clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, natural health care products, traditional Chinese medicine, IV therapy, and prolotherapy.

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What Is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care profession that addresses the root cause of illness and works in conjunction with conventional medical treatments. It is based on the premise that the body has an innate healing ability.  

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Wellness Blog

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My Practice

Dr. Singh welcomes a variety of different health concerns, however, he has a special interest in treating digestive complaints, Lyme and suspected chronic infections and providing adjunctive cancer support. He believes in treating the person as a whole entity and finding the underlying causes of disease in order to achieve one’s optimal health. He strives to utilize all aspects of Naturopathic Medicine to support each patient on their health journey. He enjoys using botanical medicine, nutritional medicine & supplementation, acupuncture, prolotherapy and advanced testing to reach patient health goals.


The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.

— Thomas Edison